Monday, January 2, 2012

Looking back at 2011

My year started in upheaval. I had no sure footing, no idea where I'd be at the end of the year. I found it incredibly hard to come up with goals. I had three works in progress, so my only plan was to finish one of them.

I had plenty of time I could have used, but got too caught up in insecurities and distractions. Felt like I wasted my year away.

The surprise was getting Lifelines published. That was my writing highlight of the year.

My strengths are in grammar and world building. My weakness is not torturing my characters. The story gets too predictable, not unique or grabbing. I need to take my stories to the next level! I need to apply my poetic description to my prose, and use more story in my poetry.

If I could get a do-over, I would spend less time stressing over the unknown and put more energy into my passions. I also need to spend less time revising works in progress, and more toward actually finishing them.

Still working out goals for this year. My projects still lie unfinished. I have my first book which is calling me to revise it again, but I worry that it still wouldn't have a strong enough hook for publication. My goal is to come up with goals by the end of the week.

Wrote this as a response to Anne’s post on Poetic Muselings.

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