Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Tuesday Tally, books, and exercise

Status of my novel
total words to date: 57,758
pages: 250
completed chapters: 11

Last week's goals:
  • keep working on 100 day challenge - did at least the minimum
  • blog 3x/wk - unless updating my 100 day progress counts... which really it doesn't... only blogged twice
  • three new scenes for WIP - complete
  • find a couple good standalone scenes to share - found a few which might work

Goals for this week:

Borrowed another stack of books from my family when we went down for my nephew's birthday party last Saturday. I started reading The Fairy Godmother, but Mercedes Lackey. Elena is a Cinderella whose happy ending didn't come because the prince was too young. Instead, she becomes an Apprentice Fairy Godmother. I'm a few chapters in and thoroughly enjoying it. This is the first of the Five Hundred Kingdoms books, all standalones in the same world, of Harlequin's Luna imprint. If I like this one, I also borrowed the second book, One Good Knight. Lackey wrote a third one as well, Fortune's Fool, but my sister doesn't own that one yet.

I've been exercising! Past the super painful part and starting to feel more energized after instead of exhausted. My abs were sore for three days after my first workout last week. Not muscles I'm used to having sore that long. The vacation incentive helped me resist using the muscle aches as excuses not to keep my routine. Yay for goal incentives! They really do work. :-)


  1. the second book is, in my opinion, even better than the first. too bad Sue's the one that owns that one. ;) The third one's out? woo-hoo! I'll have to search out a library that has it.

  2. I was looking for reviews on the other 500 Kingdom books and found this. I've only read the first one.

    Just so you know the "harlequin romance" part does kick in a bit (not my favorite - seems like it was kind of thrown in there). That said - I did enjoy the book and the characters.
