Monday, January 18, 2010

Going Green for more Green

When you realize your income just isn’t keeping up with your expenses anymore, it’s time to make a change. Buying a house has brought lots of change and adjustment. Our most recent is selling the car. Since the car was still rather new and in good condition (bought it in August), CarMax gave us an awesome deal. We were able to pay off the negative equity and still have money left in savings.

No car means no car payment, no car insurance, no gas money, no upkeep. We figure we’ll save around $400 a month. Last Monday my husband took the day off, and we had our adventure. Bought him a bus pass, did a trial run of the route to work, and then went shopping to stock up so we don’t need to shop as often. Then my mother-in-law met him at CarMax and we did it. Sold the car.

It sure was an exhausting week, as we walked more and dealt with finances. But we’re happy with our decision. Now we’ll actually have money for savings again. And can afford to do more on the house – updating appliances, get the rest of the windows replaced by next winter, etc – which will save us even more money in the long run, as our house becomes more energy efficient.

Another benefit, we’ll be in better shape. We can’t just stop and get fast food because we’re out and about. And, well, the walking. I’m more used to that than my husband, as I walk my son to and from school every day. Poor hubby was sure sore by the end of Friday. 

At least there’s a benefit to not being terribly social. Less outings and places we need to drive.

All in all, having no car will take getting used to. Better to buffer our finances before we’re in trouble rather than struggle to repair them. And with all going on in Haiti, we’re grateful for how much we do have.

1 comment:

  1. That is such a great idea! I don't drive and for the most part I'm fine with it. Out here (Nassau) has been more of a struggle than usual as NOTHING is close, but we're getting the hang of things.

    It's so nice not having to rely on anything though, isn't it? It's a bit of a liberating feeling. (once you get past the stressful ones having to deal with finances...)
