Status of my novel
total words to date: 37,982
pages: 164
completed chapters: 8
Goals for this week:
- keep working on 100 day challenge
- complete editing for Blazing Princess, have someone do a last read through, then mail out (Deadline June 30!)
- finish 2 scenes in Emergence
This chapter seems to be getting rather long. Or that could just be that I'm taking a long time to get it done. Still, considering cutting it into two chapters.
Ok, I went and checked the word count. It's standing at about 3k words, with four more scenes to write. So far my average is 4k, with the longest just over 6k. I'll have to finish the scenes and then see where I stand.
Looking forward to getting feedback from a critique I won from Manuscript Mavens. I sent them the first chapter of Emergence.
Whoo! Keep up the great progress! =)