Status of my novel
total words to date: 48,620
pages: 210
completed chapters: 9
- keep working on 100 day challenge - still going :-)
- finalize choices for poetry submissions, and polish/prepare to send out - check. even submitted to one
- storyboard chapter ten - this story keeps adding unplanned scenes! minor characters are finding more importance, and some plot points have changed.
- storyboard chapter ten - done
Goals for this week:
- keep working on 100 day challenge
- submit to other 2 poetry markets
- finish writing chapter ten
- storyboard chapter eleven
- ignore Civ long enough to do 2 hour Wednesday writing
- polish children's story
Back in March I was trying to write 500 words/day. On one slow writing day my hubby challenged me to write a 500 word story about a snail. So I did. Then didn't look at it again. Then last week I was looking at the Cheerios website (one of my poems I'm submitting mentions Cheerios) and saw a writing contest. Seeing they want children's stories, I remembered I have one. I dug up my story to read it and see if it was any good. I thought it wasn't bad, but figured I'd need a second opinion, so let my hubby read it. He said it's good but needs a little tweaking to make it more child vocabulary. We agreed I should enter it in the contest. Thus this week's goal.
Dinner timer about to ding! TTFN
Keep at it! You may be glad to know I managed to keep up with the 100 word/day challenge during vacation. Well, I admit that I had to start counting my journal entries, but still! Oh, and Tetiana is nearly 70,000 words! woo-hoo! We're both amazing! ;)