Thursday, August 9, 2007

River of Tears

I am easily emotionally moved by books and film. The tears flow so easily that my hubby fondly calls me his crybot. Though it's one thing he'll never make fun of. Even a Pokemon movie has made me cry. But two shows stand out in my memory that really opened the flood gates. The first is The Notebook. I think I sobbed for an hour straight after that one. The second movie is Premonition, which we watched last night. Both had engaging characters and heart-wrenching endings, that may not be happy but were right for the story. I don't think these movies would have affected me as profoundly if I wasn't married. I can better relate to the characters and can imagine being in their shoes - thus the tears. The wonderful thing is, these shows have more than emotional impact: they make you think. I would definitely recommend seeing them.


  1. Hmm. I think we have Premonition coming from Netflix this week. I guess I'll find the Kleenex box.

  2. Netflix is awesome. That's how we watch most of our movies. :-)

  3. i completely understand! both these movies moved me to tears (along with everything down to tv shows!) is it genetic???

  4. We just watched Premonition last night. What a movie! I was riveted the whole time.
