Monday, February 1, 2010

Bliss Book

Fairy Bliss BookI first started a bliss book during Tamlyn Leigh’s workshop at the Muse Online Writers Conference.


What is a Bliss Book?

A book with all kinds of things that make you smile, just a small journal, with pictures pasted in it, poetry that brings a smile on your face, quotes that remind you of the good things in life.


Read about creating your own bliss book here.


Whenever I was feeling like my writing sucked, or generally depressed, I could open my bliss book and bring on a smile. I used a lovely illustrated fairy journal. I put in pictures of unicorns and teddy bears, inspirational quotes, excerpts from acceptance letters, journaled about some of my best writing moments. My book made me happy.

And now it is gone. It had a place on my desk, easily at hand. Last week I went to add something, and realized it was gone. I scoured the entire house, even checking under beds and in my son’s closet. Can’t find it. Gone. Gone gone. You know how I was sick lately? I had the garbage can next to my desk for easy tissue disposal. I’m afraid I or my son knocked my book into the garbage. I simply don’t know what else could have happened.

I wish we had back-ups for physical items like we do virtual. I grieved. All that creativity and pictures gone. Sadness is counter-productive to the purpose of the book though. Life moves on.

On a positive note, I have an identical journal. I had bought one, then shortly after received one as a gift. Now I have a use for that second journal. Find new pictures, new quotes. It won’t be exactly the same, but I’m sure I will find the same bliss. Time to start anew.


  1. awww I am so sorry to read that! I am certain you will have an as pretty and bliss inducing bliss book as you used to have! Would you like my unicorn to live in your bliss book?

    Just send me an email, and I will send you a clear version without all the copyright info :)

  2. oh no! sorry about your bliss book. I know what you mean about wanting to back up hard copy stuff :-/ Maybe the next book will be even better. Wishing you some bliss!

  3. oh no that's awful!!! I love the idea of a bliss book and completely understand how losing it is like losing a loved one... go ahead and grieve, I went through this recently on a much smaller scale by losing all the pictures of my recent work due to my computer crashing and me stupidly not have backed them up (some have sold so I can't get pictures of them again...sigh) so I feel for you.

    Starting again is all we can do, great job on being positive!

  4. Thank you all for your kind words. It really does help.

    Nice to meet you, Vicki. Love your work.
