Status of my novel
total words to date: 63,118
pages: 273
completed chapters: 12
- keep working on 100 day challenge - almost done!
write Fantasy newsletter- got it turned in 3 days early- make revisions to last section of Mirror - made some, filled in some needed transition. not done with all major changes though.
write at least one scene in Emergence- finished the single scene today- make up new word (for contest) - made up three new words, and also entered a feyan word from my novel. will share them next week, after contest is over. though you can scroll down and see them in comments on contest
Goals for this week:
- keep working on 100 day challenge
- write W.W. newsletter
- fix at least one of the two major problems left with Mirror
- write at least one scene in Emergence
- decide what to do with freewebs blog
*update - you can now see my nifty new keyboard by clicking on the link above
Sorry ab. your computer problems. I can empathize, as can everyone in PG (have you heard ab. their internet problems? no one can check their email anymore). On another not, aren't pleasant surprises wonderful? And doesn't the 100 days challenge end this month? Next week?